PDOx - это быстрый, эффективный и полезный конструктор запросов и класс PDO для PHP. Является отличной альтернативой для RedBeanPHP.
Репозиторий на GitHub по ссылке. Там же можно найти документацию.
В файл composer.json
"require": {
"izniburak/pdox": "^1"
Затем выполнить команду:
composer install
Или установить командой:
composer require izniburak/pdox
Необходимо в настройках установить соединение с базой данных:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
'host' => 'localhost',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'database' => 'pdox',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
'prefix' => '',
'cachedir' => __DIR__ . 'cache/sql/' # указать свой путь(директории cache/sql необходимо создать заранее)
$db = new \Buki\Pdox($config);
# Вариант #1: Параметры в строку через запятую
$db->select('name, status, image')->table('product')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT name, status, image FROM product"
$db->select('name AS n, status AS s, image AS i')->table('product')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT name AS n, status AS s, image AS i FROM product"
# Вариант #2: Параметры массивом
$db->select(['name', 'status', 'image'])->table('product')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT name, status, image FROM product"
$db->select(['name AS n', 'status AS s'])->table('product')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT name AS n, status AS s FROM product"
select functions
# Вариант #1:
# Output: "SELECT MAX(tarif) FROM price"
# Вариант #2:
$db->table('product')->count('id', 'total_count')->get();
# Output: "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_row FROM product"
get AND getAll
# get(): Одна запись.
# getAll(): Множество записей.
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product"
$db->select('name')->table('product')->where('category_id', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT name FROM product WHERE category_id='1'"
$db->select('name, created_at')->table('product')->where('id', 10)->get();
# Output: "SELECT title FROM pages WHERE id='17' LIMIT 1"
$where = [
'name' => 'Adam Smith',
'age' => 22,
'email' => 'email@adam.com',
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE name='Adam Smith' AND age='22' AND email='email@adam.com' LIMIT 1"
$db->table('customer')->where('age', 30)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE age='30'"
$db->table('customer')->where('age', '>=', 30)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE age>='30'"
$db->table('customer')->where('age = ? OR age = ?', [25, 35])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE age='25' OR age='35'"
$db->table('product')->where('status', '=', 1)->notWhere('category_id', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status = '1' AND NOT category_id = '1'"
$db->table('product')->where('category_id', 1)->orWhere('category_id', '>', 5)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE category_id = '1' OR category_id > '5'"
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE image IS NOT NULL"
->grouped(function($query) {
$query->where('image', null)->orWhere('category_id', 2);
->where('status', 1)
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE (image = NULL OR category_id ='2') AND status ='1'"
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->in('id', [1, 5, 12])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status = '1' AND id IN ('1', '5', '12')"
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->notIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status = '1' AND id NOT IN ('1', '2', '3')"
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->orIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status = '1' OR id IN ('1', '2', '3')"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->between('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status = '1' AND age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->notBetween('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status = '1' AND age NOT BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->orBetween('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status = '1' OR age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
$db->table('customer')->like('name', "%Vir%")->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE name LIKE '%Vir%'"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->notLike('name', '%Vir%')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status = '1' AND name NOT LIKE '%Vir%'"
$db->table('customer')->like('name', '%Vir%')->orLike('name', '%Jen%')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE name LIKE '%Vir%' OR name LIKE '%Jen%'"
# Пример #1: Один параметр
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('manufacturer_id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status = '1' GROUP BY category_id"
# Пример #2: Массив параметров
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->groupBy(['name', 'manufacturer_id'])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status = '1' GROUP BY cat_id, user_id"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('name')->having('MAX(age)', 20)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status='1' GROUP BY name HAVING MAX(age) > '20'"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('name')->having('AVG(age)', '<=', 30)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE status='1' GROUP BY name HAVING AVG(age) <= '30'"
$db->table('customer')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('name')->having('AVG(age) > ? AND MAX(age) < ?', [20, 30])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active='1' GROUP BY department_id HAVING AVG(salary) > '250' AND MAX(salary) < '1000'"
# Пример #1: Один параметр
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('category_id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status='1' ORDER BY category_id ASC"
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('category_id desc')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status='1' ORDER BY category_id DESC"
// Пример #2: Два параметра
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('category_id', 'desc')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status='1' ORDER BY category_id DESC"
# Пример #3: Rand()
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('rand()')->limit(10)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product WHERE status='1' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 10"
# Пример #1: Один параметр
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 10"
# Пример #2: Два параметра
$db->table('product')->limit(10, 20)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 10, 20"
# Пример #3: С методом offset()
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10"
# Первый параметр: количество данных на странице
# Второй параметр: Активная страница
$db->table('product')->pagination(15, 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0"
$db->table('product')->pagination(15, 2)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 15 OFFSET 15"
$insert = [
'name' => 'Product 31',
'category_id' => 5,
'manufacturer_id' => 1,
'status' => 1,
'image' => null,
# Output: "INSERT INTO product (name, category_id, manufacturer_id, status, image)
# VALUES ('Product 31', '5', '1', '1', NULL")
var_dump($db->insertId()); // Если успешное добавление - вернётся ID добавленной записи
# Если данные обновились, то вернётся 1, иначе вернётся 0
$update = [
'name' => 'Product 1 updated',
'status' => 1,
'image' => null,
$db->table('product')->where('id', 1)->update($update);
# Output: "UPDATE product SET name='Product 1 updated', status='1', image=NULL WHERE id='1'"
# Удалить запись в таблице
$db->table('product')->where('id', 31)->delete();
# Output: "DELETE FROM product WHERE id = '31'"
# Очистить всю таблицу
# Output: "TRUNCATE TABLE delete"
# Пример #1: Найти все записи
$db->query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE `category_id` = ? AND status = ?', [1, 1])->fetchAll();
# Пример #2: Найти одну запись
$db->query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = ? AND status = ?', [1, 1])->fetch();
# Пример #3: Другие запросы: like, update, insert, delete, etc...
$db->query("UPDATE `product` SET `status` = ? WHERE id = ?", [0, 1])->exec();
# Используйте: ...->cache($time)->...
$db->table('product')->where('status', 1)->cache(60)->getAll();
# cache time: 60 seconds
# Количество всех SQL-запросов на странице
$queryCount = $db->queryCount();
# Последний SQL запрос
$lastQuery = $db->getQuery();
# Пример #1:
$db->table('product as p')
->select('p.id as id, p.name as name, c.name as category')
->join('category as c', 'c.id', 'p.category_id')
->where('p.status', 1)
# Output:
# "SELECT p.id AS id, p.name AS name, c.name AS category
# FROM product as p
# JOIN category as c ON c.id=p.category_id WHERE p.status='1'"
# Пример #2:
$db->table('product as p')
->select('p.id as id, p.name as name, c.name as category')
->leftJoin('category as c', 'c.id', '=', 'p.category_id')
->where('p.status', 1)
# Output: "SELECT p.id AS id, p.name AS name, c.name AS category
# FROM product as p
# JOIN category as c ON c.id=p.category_id WHERE p.status='1' LIMIT 5"
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